Find Residential Construction in Rosedale, MD

Residential Construction

Contact Orellana for your home construction needs in Rosedale, MD!

Looking for residential construction in Rosedale, MD? Orellana Construction is a great company to go with for just that, along with future home improvement needs. Does any of Orellana’s residential construction services fit what you are looking for? Read on to find out, and contact us if you have any questions or would like an estimate.

Orellana’s Residential Construction in Rosedale, MD

From Blueprints to a Completed Home

We can take your home’s blueprints and turn them into a new home in Rosedale, MD that is move-in ready and suited to you. If you have worked with an architect or have drawn up your own plans that are building-ready, talk with us about how we can make your new house a reality. Proper construction will help you avoid a ton of structural problems down the road; Orellana can collaborate with you.

Custom Home Building

We also build custom floor plans. These floor plans have adjustments to the original blueprint or are completely designed from scratch. We work together with our residential clients on the design; a meticulously planned design that is custom to your liking is our priority. If you have specific custom home construction requests, we are happy to take these tasks in stride.

Home Renovations

Are you looking to redo your powder room, finish your basement, or overhaul your entire house in Rosedale, MD? We can take the smallest or largest home renovation project you can think of. We can make your kitchen, bathroom, basement, or any other major room into a new, stylish, and functional space or completely renovate your house to your standards.

Other Projects

Are you looking to expand your home or build an addition? We can create an extra room over your garage, build out your living room, install a screened porch, expand your kitchen, enclose your porch, etc. Home expansions are in the Orellana portfolio.

What about additions? Whether you are building a custom shed, an artist’s studio, or an in-law suite, Orellana can make it come alive.

Let Orellana Help You in the Long Term

Orellana Construction can be your go-to builder in Rosedale, MD, for your home construction project, no matter the size. In summary, we can build entire homes, custom homes, additions, expansions, and renovations. 

Our services don’t end at the beginning. You can also rely on us for home improvements, especially for roofing, waterproofing, concrete paving and masonry, and decking. As your home ages, we can be there to keep it in great condition for even more years to come.

Online research is a great first step in finding your future home builder or home improvement contractor in Rosedale. Check out our reviews to see what we can do and what customers say. We are happy to talk with you today!

Contact Orellana Construction, LLC, to Learn More

Proudly serving Baltimore County and the surrounding areas with exceptional masonry, paving, concrete, roofing, and much more, our team has many years of experience in excellent residential construction. We have the expertise, knowledge and skills to make any outdoor project come to fruition. 

Contact us to learn more about your options or for a quote for your project!

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